Getting Started

RDM’s Fleet Management Suite can be installed on any Windows or Linux web server running PHP 7.2 or greater. It requires rdmBuild to be installed on the multivalue server where the API endpoint is hosted.

Schedule Manager Introduction

Location-Drop down of locations of origin.

Date– Date currently being scheduled for.

Filter– Drop down of possible filters for UNSCHEDULED ORDERS

  • Order Number
  • City
  • Zip Code
  • Customer  Number
  • Customer Name
  • Tag

UNSCHEDULED ORDERS– List of all unscheduled orders currently in the system.

Truck List– displays a a list of all available trucks and their statuses.

Map– Takes you to a map view where orders can be displayed visually on a map.

Adding Routes

  1. Click “Showing # of # Routes“. Pop-up will come up.
  2. Enter Route Name  in text box to the right of “Add tags” button.
  3. Apply any tags from the ones listed below text box. If no tags are present click “Add tags” button.
  4. Finally click Green “Add a new route” button. Route will drop down and become selectable.
  5. To add to Schedule Manager check tick box next to route and check “Show Selected Routes” button.
  6. Click “X” at top of pop-up or outside of pop-up to return to Schedule Manager.

Viewing Orders

Click an order in the “UNSCHEDULED ORDERS” section. This screen will open->.

    • Here you can find the following information pertaining to the order.
      • Tags (These can be edited here)
      • Order Date
      • Required Date
      • Backordered status
      • Address
      • Job Name
      • Job Contact
      • Job Phone
      • Products contained in order
      • Packaging
      • Map with location marked (map is interactive for zooming in/out).

Click “X” to return to Schedule Manager.

Adding Orders To Routes

  1. Filter orders by Tag with drop down.
  2. Find the order you wan to route in UNSCEHDULED ORDERS.
  3. Click and drag order to the route you would like.
    1. The route # of orders will update
    2. The order will disappear from UNSCEHDULED ORDERS.

Viewing and Modifying Routes

To view the route click on it from in the Schedule Manager. A new page will open with the route information.

Modifications possible on route page:

  • Select a truck-Drop down of all trucks available to place a route onto.
  • Driver- Text box to assign a driver to above selected truck.
  • Remove route-Removes route from schedule
  • Change route date-Changes the date the route will be scheduled for. Pop-up will appear and allow you to enter to new date.
  • Reorder and remove orders from route.
    • Map view shows the orders and where they are on the route. Allows for more efficient routing.
    • Magnifying glass allows for viewing order specifics.
  • Once the truck is selected, driver assigned and orders placed in their correct delivery order. Click “Commit” button. This will remove route from Schedule Manager. To view it beyond this step you must go to the “Tuck List

Truck List

The Tuck List page shows a list of all trucks that have been assigned a route.

Truck information included on Truck List:

  • Truck Number
  • Route Assigned
  • Driver Assigned
  • Route Status
  • Route Progress


When you click on the linked route it will open a new Route information window which will show the following information:

  • Route Origin
  • Route Date
  • Truck Number
  • Route Name
  • Route Orders (Route information included)
    • Order Number
    • Customer Number
    • Address
    • Detail link with  number of lines for each order. Clicking the link will open  a new order details window (This is informational only, no editing)