Editing Tags
Click on the positioned block in the form template or the tag name in the list to edit the formatting details of any tag in a form template. The tag block will turn green when selected and a context menu will pop up containing the formatting instructions for the tag.
- From Left
Represents, in inches, the distance of the tag from the left edge of the document.
Anything positioned outside the boundary of the output medium, such as a printer or fax machine, will be cut off.
- From Top
Represents, in inches, the distance of the tag from the top edge of the document.
- Right / Bottom
These un-editable fields provide you the calculated distance from the right and bottom edges of the form template, based on the size and current position.
- Width
Represents, in inches, the width of the tag.
- Height
Represents, in inches, the height of the tag.
- Wrap
Contains three options for handling text that exceeds the width of its container.
- Wrap Text will continue on the next line. If it is a single tag (not recurring/tabular), the line height is determined by the height of the container. Text will wrap outside of this height.
- Truncate Text will crop off the information being displayed when it reaches the boundary of the container.
- Shrink to Fit will alter the font scaling to horizontally resize the text being displayed to fit within the bounds of the container.
- Barcode
By default, text is text, but this option provides optional barcode types to translate what is displayed. Choose the barcode type that accurately represents the content of the field.
- Image Link
If set to yes, RDM Forms will treat the text provided as a web link to download and display an image resource instead of plain text. Images will resize to fill the bounds of the provided container block for the tag.
- Font Size
The point size of the text in the field.
- Highlight Color
An optional background color for the text displayed. Choosing black will change the text color to white by default.
- Text Style
Optional bold, italics, underline, or any combination thereof.
- Text Align
Left, center, and right-alignment options of the text within the provided container block on the page.
- Duplicate Tag
In the upper right corner of the tag context menu there is a button to duplicate the selected tag. This can be useful for presenting the same information in multiple places in a form, or for displaying a barcode and adding the written code beneath it.
Printing Tabular Data
Tabular data, or recurring tags, are adjacent blocks of tags that will auto-align to create tables of information, using the repeated tags provided to format aligned rows. If a data sample includes containers of repeating tags, it will be represented by a green repeating arrow icon. 
Tags nested beneath the parent shown with this icon will be treated as tabular data. Because XML lacks the ability to recognize a single value as a potential array of many values, this can be forced by adding the attribute “repeating” to the parent. For example
<lines repeating="true">
The repeat value in the template form Settings, which defaults to “Standard” determined how a multipage document is handled when the tag layout differs.
- Standard page repeating logic will use the tag layout from the first page of a 2-page template file for however many pages of the generated document are required until all repeating tags will fit on the last page.
- Last page repeating logic will use the tag layout from the first page only a single time, then the page 2 template will be used for all subsequent pages of the generated document until the list of repeating lines has been exhausted.
The settings available for a form template mirror the initial New Form data provided when creating the template. Edit any of these settings to update global values for this form.
A preview can be generated at any time using the default template tag layout or any custom sample of a print job pasted into the available text area. In addition to displaying the provided data, the preview will consider the form name defined in the header, so the provided XML or JSON data must be accurate.