Getting Started

rdmBuild can be installed on any Linux server. The following documentation is focused on CentOS 7 and above.

Link to the Github Repository:


The main requirement for rdmBuild is NodeJS.

Optionally, Git and PM2 help with the deployment process.


CentOS 7

First, enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) to install NodeJS in CentOS 7:

yum install epel-release

Then, install NodeJS and NPM:

yum install nodejs npm

Optionally, install Git to clone rdmBuild from GitHub

yum install git

To make sure NodeJS is installed correctly, run the following command:

node -v

It should output the installed NodeJS version.

CentOS 8 and above

First, install NodeJS and NPM:

dnf install nodejs npm

Optionally, install Git to clone rdmBuild from GitHub:

dnf install git

To make sure NodeJS is installed correctly, run the following command:

node -v

It should output the installed NodeJS version.


Using Git

Go to the folder where rdmBuild will be installed.

Inside that folder, run the following command to download the source code from GitHub:

git clone

This should create a directory called rdmBuild. Go to that directory:

cd rdmBuild

Install the requirements for rdmBuild using the following command:

npm install

To start rdmBuild, run the following command:

node riWweb.js

Note that this will run rdmBuild in your linux terminal. Once you [Ctrl] + [C] or close your terminal, rdmBuild will stop working.

To enable rdmBuild to run in the background, and to launch on boot, see the next section.

Using source code

Download the zip file from GitHub:

Use an FTP program to upload the zip file to the folder where rdmBuild will be installed.

Now, on the linux terminal, go to the same folder where rdmBuild is found.

cd /path/to/rdmBuild

Install the requirements for rdmBuild using the following command:

npm install

To start rdmBuild, run the following command:

node riWweb.js

Note that this will run rdmBuild in your linux terminal. Once you [Ctrl] + [C] or close your terminal, rdmBuild will stop working.

To enable rdmBuild to run in the background, and to launch on boot, see the next section.

Enable Restart on Boot

To enable rdmBuild to start on boot, or to restart when the linux server is reboot, PM2 must be installed.

To install PM2, run the following command:

npm install pm2 -g

Then, run rdmBuild using PM2:

pm2 start riWweb.js

After that, enable PM2 to launch on reboot:

pm2 startup

Finally, save the current list of programs running in PM2 to launch on boot:

pm2 save